Want to write a book?
NEED to write a book?
(for business visibility and authority. Or just to inspire others?)
Think you dont have enough time to write a book?
How about just one weekend?
In just three days, you can go from idea, to finished book, and have the chance to change your business, and life, forever!
The “Zero to Book” Course
will run in major Australian cities, February to May 2016.
Be guided every step of the way by 9 times Amazon best-selling author,
speaker and writing coach, Kim Lambert, as you go from start to finish on your book, at lightning speed.
In Just Three days, YOU will
- Gain absolute clarity on the best topic for your book
- Identify exactly what you most need to cover in your book
- Capture that information, from your existing business material, your skills, and your knowledge, quickly and clearly
- Structure that knowledge, as you capture it, into ideal chapters and presentation to make readers love your book
- Find images and diagrams to support your content, quickly and easily
- Design your book layout
- Design your hard hitting, attention grabbing title and subtitle
- Design your dramatic, eye-catching book cover
- Put it all together, so that you have a complete book – ready for a final polish and publish!
Register now to secure one of the exclusive limited seats for this amazing “Instant Author Experience”
Secure your place now – lock in your seat to transform your future by becoming an author – fast!
Below are the cities we are offering the Zero to Book course in. Please select which city you would MOST prefer to attend.
(exact dates will be confirmed closer to the event)
This will take you directly to the cart.
At the cart, you can apply a coupon code if you have one.
Attend in Brisbane for $3,997 |
Attend in Sydney for $3,997 |
Attend in Melbourne for $3,997 |
Attend in Canberra for $3,997 |
Attend in Adelaide for $3,997 |
Attend in Perth for $3,997 |
If you have already reserved your seats for the upcoming events, you will be updated as things progress.
Above, you’ll notice there is a Member Login link. You will be able to use this in the future to access Member exclusive pages.
If you have questions for us, please visit our Contact Us page and fill out the form.